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Resource Management, Environmental & Planning Law

Hawkes Bay Planning Law Experts

In the field of Resource Management, we are very proud to be recognised as the pre-eminent Hawke's Bay law firm. Our client base is wide; as well as Hawke's Bay's primary industries, we advise firms and individuals working in all sectors of the economy, including property development, viticulture, forestry, and network utilities. Along with working with local government, we are able to assist with any environmental law, planning law or resource consent question you may have.

Examples of our recent work include:

  • Obtaining the first resource consent to establish a wind farm at Titiokura
  • Securing land-use and reclamation consents, and vesting reclaimed land
  • Obtaining resource consent to establish and operate numerous wineries
  • Designating Electricity lines
  • Obtaining resource consent, and settling appeals in the Environment Court in relation to large subdivisions at Mahia, Hastings, Poraiti, Jervoistown, Central Hawke's Bay and Blenheim
  • Plan changes from Plains to Industrial in Hastings
  • Friend of Submitters on the Ruataniwha Water Storage Project
  • Resource consents to establish a new boiler room and a planer mill
  • Ensuring District Plans from Waikato to Central Hawke's Bay accommodate the needs of our clients

Related Areas:

Property Law (conveyancing) whether you want to sell or buy property


Talk to one of our Environment & Planning Lawyers

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